Apple's iPhone 7 Plus offers a 5.5-inch display and marked design changes over the earlier iPhone 7 and 6. The iPhone 7 Plus launched a new home button pad, a waterproof design, and no headphone jack. It offers portrait photos for those selfie fans amongst you, and it’s currently the cheapest large-screen iPhone that Apple still sells, so it’s a popular choice.
Even though it retains quite a traditional overall iPhone design, the 7 Plus does bring about a new Touch ID home button pad with no moving parts and a water-resistant design that will give you peace of mind. It's less breakable than previous iPhones, so it’s a great option for those who use their phone a lot on the move.
But it's missing something significant: a 3.5mm headphone jack. The iPhone 7 series was the first without this standard way of plugging in headphones, but with the growing popularity of Apple AirPods and other wireless headphones, this is less of a problem today than it was when the iPhone 7 Plus originally launched.
So why is the iPhone 7 Plus better than the standard iPhone 7? Two reasons other than the bigger screen size: improved battery life and an innovative camera. Battery is always going to be better on a bigger phone, given the larger capacity, but the camera was a pleasant surprise. Apple added a dual-lens camera, a conscious effort to make the iPhone 7 Plus a distinctly different choice.
The iPhone 7 Plus is an excellent smartphone and well worth it’s price, but there are a few caveats.
People will be quick to point out that not a lot has changed over the iPhone 6S Plus, and they'd be right. Apart from the waterproof body, extra power under the hood, dual cameras and questionable removal of the headphone jack, the two handsets are rather similar, especially visually - there's not really any big innovation that makes the iPhone 7 series a must have over the 6 series. Having said that, Apple has taken the weaker parts of the 6S Plus and enhanced them on the iPhone 7 Plus phone. The camera now feels supercharged over its predecessor, producing even better shots on a regular basis with minimum effort. Battery life is also improved and the waterproof design provides you with extra peace of mind that your smartphone will be able to survive a slip into the bath - whether that matters to you depends on how careless you are with your handset.
The iPhone 7 Plus is certainly the better of the two 2016 iPhones. It has a bigger battery, dual cameras and more RAM under the hood, providing excellent performance and if your decision is based on specs alone you won't be disappointed with the iPhone 7 Plus.
The camera is a serious leap forward from previous iPhones, and with its easy-to-use interface it's perfect for those wanting a dependable yet simple snapper in their pocket which can perform well in pretty much any scenario.
Add to that the water resistance body and you've finally feel like you have an iPhone which can survive the little mishaps life throws at you, which is good news for the more active.